Integral Mission is, by Ronald JJ Wong
Integral mission is: The packet of leftovers from the Chinese restaurant at dinner I gave to the homeless lady outside the Tube station,...

Integral Mission, Evangelism and Social Responsibility by Chng EuLee
Integral mission started with the apostles but we are indebted to our Latin American brethren for naming the theology which responded to...

Integral Mission and being a "Papa" by Jonathan Cho
Having been a Christian from a young age, I have long been familiar with the word ‘Mission’. For a considerable time, I associated the...

What is Integral Mission and Why Should I care? by Ng Zhiwen
There was a time when the Church saw her mission primarily as that of ‘saving souls’, and of world evangelisation (i.e. saving souls from...

Micah Nepal: Thir KC on social justice and integral mission in Nepal
On 3 December 2016, Thir Koirala, National Coordinator for Micah Nepal came and shared with a group of different participants from Micah...