Faith-Based Community Transformation: Perspectives from Thailand

21 January 2017, Saturday, 10.30am - 12pm
Venue: Zion-Bishan BP Church
Sharing by Phoebe Yee, World Vision Foundation of Thailand
Phoebe is currently Project Manager of Faith and Development projects at World Vision Foundation of Thailand, which is integrating faith-based organisations and perspectives in areas of Child Protection, Education & Life Skills and Health & Nutrition. Prior to joining the Thailand office, she had experiences in Youth Engagement, Marketing and Christian Commitments in both the Singapore and Asia-Pacific offices of World Vision. She holds a Master of Arts in International Development Studies (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand) and a Bachelor of Social Sciences in Geography (National University of Singapore). Phoebe is interested in faith-based development in Southeast Asia and has extensive volunteering experiences with youth and Christian organisations in the region, serving local communities in youth development, education and infrastructure improvement.
Check out her academic papers on transformational development here: