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Micah-thon 2021 Solution Ideas and Integral Mission Solutioning Toolkit

Micah Singapore conducted a Micah-thon in 2021. Teams came together to ideate solutions to missional challenges presented by challenge owners. Participants were equipped with an integral mission solutioning toolkit.

We present below the toolkit and the solution ideas generated from the Micah-thon.

Integral Mission Solutioning Toolkit

  • Identify: tentatively identify the issue and identify yourself with the issue. 

  • Investigate: data collection to understand the nature of issues, resources available, relationships, stakeholders, partners, external and internal factors that impact the community. 

  • Interpret: take a step back and make sense of the data, turn to theoretical and theological resources to understand deeper. 

  • Ideate: come up with all possible ideas and then sieve and refine ideas based on various integral mission considerations. 

  • Integrate: plan and strategise after pulling together all the considerations. 

  • Implement. 

  • Iterate: review, repeat and refine.

Download the full toolkit and framework here.

Challenge Missional Solution Ideas

Team 1

“How might we assess and facilitate the spiritual growth (“discipleship”) of youths (7-18 years of age) with intellectual disabilities in the church context?”

Team 2

“How might we assess and facilitate the spiritual growth (“discipleship”) of youths (7-18 years of age) with intellectual disabilities in the church context?”

Team 3

“How might we better understand how the different generations in the Singapore Church approach faith, church and life, and design meetings/connections between the generations, so as to bridge intergenerational divides in churches?”

Team 4

“How might we better understand how the different generations in the Singapore Church approach faith, church and life, and design meetings/connections between the generations, so as to bridge intergenerational divides in churches?”

Team 5

"How might our predominantly ethnic-Chinese English-speaking congregations better include non-Chinese members, such that ethnic identity does not not detract from but strengthens our identity in Christ?"

Team 6

"How might our predominantly ethnic-Chinese English-speaking congregations better include non-Chinese members, such that ethnic identity does not not detract from but strengthens our identity in Christ?"

Team 7

How might we enable our local church congregation to:
(i) Grow in being the primary support community for members who struggle with Mental Health Issues; and
(ii) Work out synergies between lay and trained members (i.e. Mental Health Professionals) to support BOTH members and caregivers in their Mental Health Struggles?

Team 8

How might we enable our local church congregation to:
(i) Grow in being the primary support community for members who struggle with Mental Health Issues; and
(ii) Work out synergies between lay and trained members (i.e. Mental Health Professionals) to support BOTH members and caregivers in their Mental Health Struggles?

Team 9

"How might we support the illiterate/ less literate homeless in Singapore who feel unable to fit in at mainstream churches, in learning sound doctrine and theology in community?"

Team 10

"How might we support the illiterate/ less literate homeless in Singapore who feel unable to fit in at mainstream churches, in learning sound doctrine and theology in community?"

Team 11

"How might we help Christian adults who are church/ministry leaders understand that caring for creation is an important aspect of Christianity, and thoughtfully practice it in their lives?"

Team 12

“How might we help Christian adults (aged 35-64) who are church/ministry leaders understand that caring for creation is an important aspect of Christianity, and thoughtfully practice it in their lives?”

Team 13

“How might we effectively mobilise the whole Church to be missional wherever they are in the course of their working life?”

Team 14

"How might Singaporeans help new migrant workers in Singapore experience a sense of being resourced with the information they need?"

Team 15

"How might we help new migrant workers in Singapore experience a sense of being resourced with the information they need?"

Team 16

“How might we enable our congregation to engage in sustained, non-transactional doorstep missions with migrant workers in Singapore, especially during post-Covid times?”

Team 17

How might we raise the (1) level of awareness among the Singapore Church about refugees as an ‘unreached community’, so as to (2) facilitate more intentional engagement in (3) holistic support for them?

Team 18

How might we raise the (1) level of awareness among the Singapore Church about refugees as an ‘unreached community’, so as to (2) facilitate more intentional engagement in (3) holistic support for them?

Team 19

In the wake of Covid-19, how might we keep Christian youth (aged 13-17) and young adults (aged 18-25) engaged with and sensitised to the needs of Asia’s most vulnerable children?

Team 20

In the wake of Covid-19, how might we keep Christian youth (aged 13-17) and young adults (aged 18-25) engaged with and sensitised to the needs of Asia’s most vulnerable children?

Contact & queries:

Organised by Micah Singapore

Follow us on Instagram (@micahsingapore), Facebook and Telegram (, or feel free to email us!

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